This company was created with the primary drive and focus to bring the type of training that top tier units receive to those who help defend and protect. We offer training to the military, government agencies, local & state police to your family and friends next door. Everyone deserves the chance to train and develop realistic skills for real life emergencies. Passing along proven techniques that are applicable in the ever-evolving world we live in was one of the main reasons for the development of this training company. If you want to challenge yourself to be better and push your skills to new limits, training with the right instructors is key to that development.

Owner & Head Instructor of Prometheus Tactical
40+ Years of traditional, hybrid and fighting arts experience. Combining decades worth of training to deliver a practical and efficient manner to deal with physical confrontations and avoidance of unnecessary contact.
US Government Contractor (Trainer)
NRA Firearm Instructor, Chief Range Safety Officer
ATIENZA KALI Practitioner
NLB Tactical Blade & Small Arms Instructor
USA Archery Instructor
PADI Dive Master