04/05/2023 Seminar: Fighting Back (Introductory Seminar For Women Only)
March 15, 2023
04/16/2023 Intro to the World of Combatives (1 Day Course)
April 11, 202305/07/2023 Seminar: Fighting Back (Introductory Seminar For Women Only)
Trinity Training Complex will host
Prometheus Tactical’s Lead Instructor, Ivan Perdomo
Date: Sunday, May 7th, 2023
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Trinity Training Complex
484 Sharrots Rd SI, NY, 10309
Sold Out
Topic: Fighting back when you need to live. The alternative isn’t an option.
The world as we know has changed for the worst. News media outlets and social media show us all how criminals have taken to the streets to steal and assault people almost at will. The police may be a few minutes away if you’re lucky enough to place that call, but what happens in the time it takes the police to arrive at your location?
Your trained response is what should happen. It is the only thing that realistically you can count on. No one is coming to help you when you need it.
Are you trained to protect yourself, your kids, your loved ones from the criminal element that are arrested one day and out on no cash bail the next day?
In this class we will review, discuss, and train on the following topics within the context of an attack:
- Mindset for fighting through an attack
- Situational Awareness to avoid and assist your reactionary gap
- Tools to carry on your person
- How to use your environment to your advantage
- How to win when you are under extreme stress and your fight or flight paradigm kicks into high gear.
Please come dressed in normal everyday dress attire.